Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Bug List

20 Bugs:

1)    On the Florida Turnpike, people drive slow in the fast line, which holds up traffic. 
-       There are two mains reasons why this bug exists: drivers are ignorant to other drivers around them and purposely driving slowly to frustrate others on the road.
2)    When the Florida highways are not busy, cops, who are looking for something to do, tailgate drivers in attempt to make drivers speed in hopes of pulling them over.
-       Cops purposely do this to cause drivers to drive over the speed limit to give them tickets.
3)    People who do not have fenced yards and their dogs roam free, sometimes blocked neighborhood traffic.
-       Some people do not like to feel fenced in like a jail while on their property and decide not to put up a fence around their house.
4)    When birds, particularly cardinals, run into large bay windows, creating a loud noise, possibly killing themselves, and creating quite a mess.
-       These birds see their own reflection in the windows and fly themselves into them.
5)    Alachua county now requires customers and employees to wear face masks two months into a pandemic.
-       Alachua county is more progressive than most and trying to make a point that Governor DeSantis is not taking cautionary measures in regard to Covid-19.
6)    Lovebugs cause a quite the mess on the fronts of cars when driving on open highways.
-       Lovebugs tend to be in abundance on open highways due to the excess chemical odors from vehicles traveling down the roads. 
7)    When people who use mopeds as their main type of transportation and park them in a spot that is designed solely for a car, especially at grocery stores and apartment complexes.
-       People are ignorant of others’ needs and will do this to put themselves in front of other people.
8)    Even during a pandemic, Superior Towing, the towing company used in complexes in Gainesville, will still tow your car if a visitor is not parked in visitor parking. 
-       Superior Towing still tows cars to make money.
9)    Incoming apartment buildings are becoming smaller in size, yet the prices are getting higher.
-       These newer apartments will continue to make money due to the high demand.
10)  When a dog is taken outside regularly, does not go to the bathroom, and is brought back inside and goes to the bathroom.
-       The dog is still a puppy and being trained.
11)  A package has an exact due date in the mail; however, it comes days or even weeks later, causing gifts and important items to be delayed.
-       There is a halt on shipping items in the mail.
12)  The fountain drinks at the McDonald’s by Santa Fe College are flat and disappointing in taste.
-       The fountain machine is not carbonating the drinks like it is supposed to do.
13)  The Wendy’s in Stuart, Florida, forgets to include all of the food items that were ordered.
-       Wendy’s is too busy and must keep a constant pace of food order and do not have enough time to check every order.
14)  Rest steps on the Turnpike have thin, cheap toilet paper, which makes it hard to clean after using the bathroom. 
-       The rest steps provide this type of toilet paper to save money.
15)  The amount of available personal space on Spirit is limited when sitting in seats or walking down the aisle to use the bathroom.
-       The Spirit airplanes are small and do not cost as much as other airlines to make.
16)  In order to purchase property in Saint Kitts, the potential resident must purchase their citizenship first for $250,000 and an additional $50,000 for each family member. 
-       It is a policy to ensure the safety of the island nation and its residents, as well as a source of profit for the economy.
17)  Beach goers on Hutchinson Island tend to throw their garbage in people’s yards instead of the garbage cans that are provided.
-       It is an ease of use.
18)  People always ask if my boyfriend and I are brothers, which is not only incorrect, but incredibly assumptive.
-       We are told we look alike, and people are ignorant to the fact that we are in a relationship. 
19)  Waiters in restaurants or people we meet at public outings always ask if my sister and I are boyfriend and girlfriend, which is extremely offensive knowing that we look alike, and she is only 16. 
-       People are ignorant and rather assume something first than asking about it.
20)  Some of my family members never arrive on time to dinner when they were the ones who picked the time in the first place. 
-       My family tends to get caught in doing other activities that they forget to partake in those that are scheduled. 


When I first started doing this assignment, my mind was wandering in all directions, trying to find “bugs.” In the beginning, I constantly went blank on the “bugs” in my life, which caused me to get frustrated and stopped thinking. However, once I sat down and thought things through clearly, the “bugs” naturally came to me. It took a minute to get started on a clear path. But once I did, I finished the assignment with ease and was easier than anticipated. 


  1. Hey Brent,
    I can relate to that bug about dogs going out regularly, then relieving themselves inside anyway. I just got a dog and he's still learning our schedule, so it's hectic. I like the organization that seems to pervade your bug list. It seems like you thought about your routines and what bugs you during them. For example, lovebugs making a mess, rest stop toilet paper, and slow people in the fast lane. All things that happen while driving down the highway. I had not thought of this method.

  2. Hello Brent,
    I was able to relate to almost all of your bugs also being from Florida. I especially related to both of your bugs about Florida highways and their problems. I believe almost all of your bugs could be consistent across multiple other locations and could therefore be very good fro future business ideas, especially the restaurant bugs. I also found the "why's" very perceptive and accurate which would help when fixing the bug.

  3. Hey Brent,
    After looking through everything that bugged you, I found myself relating to a lot of them! The bug that resonated with me the most was the one about Superior Towing as I am not a huge fan of their company and how they choose to operate. Also from living in Florida my whole life, I could relate to your experiences with the turnpike as it is a pain to get through sometimes.

  4. Hey Brent,
    Overall, I was very impressed with the bug list you submitted. It was substantive and went above and beyond the requirements for the bug list. I definitely agree with most of your bugs, especially the "bug" about love bugs. I've had to wipe my car down the last two weeks, it's been super annoying. In the future, I wouldn't suggest any changes as I thought your bug list was perfect the way it is.
