Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Celebrating Failure

This summer has been full of twists and turns, ones that are good and bad. I recently came out as gay in March to my family and friends via a letter to my parents and an Instagram post for the world to see. And I recently got engaged to my fiancé in the middle of June. My parents, particularly my mom, has not be supportive of me ever since I came out. Our relationship is full of tension and negativity and feels quite distant. My sister, however, is fully supportive and happy for me. Normally, during summer, I am home with my family, enjoying the relaxation at the beach and under the sun every day. However, this summer, I am staying up in Gainesville with my fiancé and our puppy. Therefore, I have not been home as much as I normally am. But the one part that I feel like I have failed this summer is being a big brother to my little sister. With me not being home, my sister pretty much just has my parents and no one to hang out with. I am her best friend and she is mine. It hurts me that I cannot always be there for her like I used to be when I was in high school and my first few years in college. I try to be there as much as possible for her, but sometimes I just cannot be. I feel rather selfish and guilty that she does not always have her big brother around like she is used to having. Some nights I lay in bed and cry because I feel like I am letting my sister down by not always being there for her.

I have learned that I am still my sister’s big brother and I will always try my hardest to be there for her every time she needs me. It may be tough to give her my full attention, but I will certainly do my best. Also, I have learned that I am an independent and mature person who cannot always be home as much as my parents would like me to. I have my own life and family that needs me. I learned that me being me and living my life the way I want to is not being selfish or full of myself. I am compassionate and caring for all those who are in my life and I strive to be a good friend to everyone even when times get difficult. I cannot always please the needs of others. Sometimes, it is best to do what it is best for you, despite the criticism you may receive. 

I believe failure is necessary in life. Failure allows use to see our weaknesses as compared to our strengths. It gives us the opportunity to grow and better ourselves to become even more successful as an individual. Without failure, no person would have a personal growth cycle of trial and error, followed by progress to success. It is not an easy task. I normally handle failure in solitude and think critically about my mistakes and how I can overcome them. I have always been a risk taker and will continue to be one even after this course.


  1. Hey Brent,
    Your assignment on celebrating failure was truly really moving. I am sorry about your situation and wish you the best to get through it. I have a little sister too so what you are going through must be hard. I agree that failure is necessary in life and I think you are going to get through it!

  2. Hey Brent,
    I am sorry to hear about the situation with your mother, but I am very happy for you and your fiance. I wish you two the best! I can heavily relate to how you feel with your younger sister. I have a little brother and often times during the summer and normal semesters I have felt the same way. It is a very tough thing to deal with at times, but what has helped me is to look at it in the scope of leading by example. There is going to be a time where our younger siblings will need to apply to college, deal with the stress of school, work, relationships and all the stresses that life brings our way and we will luckily be in a position to where we can help them make that experience easier for them through our experiences now. I wish you the best of luck in everything to come and congratulations on your engagement!

  3. Hey Brent,
    I totally see where you are coming from. It's hard when you don't feel your parents' support, but sometimes it's because they just don't understand. As long as you believe in yourself, everything is going to be okay. Just know you have a whole class of entrepreneurs on your side. Even when it gets hard, just let that remind you of all the good times. Love overcomes all, and I know that your sister understands your position. If not, send her a message explaining everything. I wish you the best.

  4. Hey Brent,
    Congrats on your engagement! It's awful that such a great moment comes with a lot of turmoil, but hopefully you and your family will make it past that. You have the right outlook though, that you need to focus on being yourself above most everything else, otherwise you're not doing yourself or your family any favors. One thing I may suggest, and of course this is way easier said than done, is to ask for help when you're handling your failures. Only if it gets too rough, of course, and only if you're comfortable with sharing. I know from experience that asking for help with your burdens from a significant other is difficult, but unbelievably worth it. Hope everything works out, and congratulations again!

  5. Hello Brent,
    I'm so sorry to hear you had such a stressful summer, but It seems it was definitely necessary for your own well-being and life. However, congratulations on your engagement! I can understand your situation that you felt the need to be there for your family, but you now have newer responsibilities with your new family and you should choose how you split your time out of love not obligation. Hope your current situation improves, and you are able to reconnect with your family and happy for your engagement!
