Friday, July 3, 2020

Reading Reflection No. 2

“How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big” – Scott Adams

1)    Main theme/argument:
The main argument made in the novel is to look at yourself. It is important to self-evaluate yourself, so you look after your energy and health. Instead of putting people before you, you put yourself before anyone else. You must take care of your body and mind first. It may seem selfish, but it is what is best for you as an individual.

2)    Connection to ENT3003:
This novel has provided a lot of insight about making sure your well-being is put first before everything else. Just like in entrepreneurship, you must make sacrifices in order to strive and be successful. Your health must come first before any business opportunity. If you are in the best health you can be, your personal energy and achievements will be maximized. Success never comes easy; it is always has a price attached to it. Similar to the products and services in entrepreneurship, it takes time and patience to reach a personal or business goal level.

3)    Exercise:
The exercise I would propose for this assignment is more a personal reality check for the participants. I would have them write down things in their life where they have fallen so many times but came out on top in the end. A lot of them will be surprised how failing will lead to success and triumph. It is a self-reflection exercise to allow the participants to see their growth and potential as individuals.

4)    Surprise moment:
A surprise moment in the novel is when the author said “Don’t let reality control your imagination. Let your imagination be the user interface to steer your reality.” I say something similar to this quote to people in my life all the time. Your imagination is boundless and limitless. If you put a boundary on your imagination, you are holding yourself back from new experiences and interests. It is important to be optimistic in everything that you do and always listen to your mind and heart. Reality is very manipulative, and you must be able to trust your instincts. Your imagination is unique and could possibly make the world a better place as you see it.


  1. Hello Brent,

    I enjoyed reading about your second reading reflection. I actually peer reviewed the same book for another peer. It seems to be a very entertaining read and think I will consider it for my next reading reflection. I think that your surprise moment was actually my "surprise moment" from reading your peer review as that quote carries a lot of value. I think it is important sometimes to take a step back and not focus on our failures, and, more importantly, not let these failures affect our dreams and imagination. Great work as always!

  2. Hello Brent,
    I found really interesting your analysis in the book by Scott Adams. Growing up I was always taught to be generous and care for others as much as a I do for myself, this is necessary for any modern society. However I can also understand that from a longevity perspective this is not very sustainable and one must focus on oneself if you wish to live a long healthy life.

  3. Hey Brent,
    I also read this book for the reading reflection so it was interesting to read your perspective of the book. On a whole I agree with everything you wrote, and everything that Scott Adams touches on in the book, but on a personal level I know it would be difficult for me to apply what I learned from the book to myself. Although I would believe it to be worth it. You created a very interesting assignment that I believe the class would be able to enjoy. Great work!
