Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Reading Reflection No. 3

“Thinking Fast and Slow” – Daniel Kahneman

1)    Main theme/argument:
The main theme of the novel is that the brain has two systems. These systems allow the brain to perform many tasks and be efficient. Combined together, they help us navigate the tough and easy paths of life; they are like our guiding control centers.

2)    Connection to ENT3003
In connection to the class, this novel relates heavily to entrepreneurship. It may not be as clear cut and simple as the other novels. But this one does connect well with the business world. Our brains allow us to make decisive decisions based on the current situation or options. This is essential in entrepreneurship where decisions are being made all day long. Having a clear mind and productive brain will open the doorways to success and for businesses, a profit. The two systems in our brains operate automatically and quickly, which is a great advantage for businesses when they need to make a plan on the spot. The content in this book will help you be a better thinker and make more sound decisions.

3)    Exercise:
I would create an exercise that utilizes both of the systems in the brain, System 1 and System 2. The participants will be able to see how the systems work independently and dependently on one another. Certain things that are said and done will trigger one brain system and not the other. It will probably be a series of questions asked, as well as activities they must complete.

4)    Surprise moment:
A surprise moment is when I found out that the brain has two different systems that work independently. But as a whole, they cannot operate without one another. The first system is encompassed by feelings and impressions, whereas the second system is most beliefs and emotions.


  1. Hello Brent,
    I enjoyed checking out your third reading reflection on "Thinking Fast and Slow" by Daniel Kahneman. I had a question on what these two types of systems are exactly are but for the most part you were clear and precise on your reflection of the book. I agree with you that, especially in entrepreneurship, decision are made on the go and they are based on the options offered. Great work!

  2. Hey Brent,
    It was actually very interesting to read your reflection on this book. It is nice to see the insights of the psychology behind entrepreneurship and what way of thinking is the recipe for a successful entrepreneur. I would definitely be interested in the exercises you made in regards to this book.

  3. Hey Brent,

    I agree that the productive facets of the brain greatly help us in entrepreneurship. I think the biggest thing is just using our innate creativity. We all have it, and it's just a means of understanding our own potential. I think we just need to take time everyday to truly understand how capable our brain is. That will allow us to see how powerful we really are if we learn how to use it.

  4. Hello Brent,
    I found your blog post about the novel very interesting to read. I myself am a big fan of Daniel Kahneman as well as his mate Amos Tversky in their work on "The Undoing Project" by Michael Lewis. I really liked how well you described the themes of the book and how true the systems approach is. The exercise you have come up with seems very interesting as well as a knowledgeable experience.

  5. Hey Brent,
    Although I didn't have a chance to read “Thinking Fast and Slow” by Daniel Kahneman, I think you did a great job summarizing it as well as bringing in some of your input on the book. I think your point about having a clear and productive mind and how it relates to this class is spot on. In addition, I think your exercise that utilizes both systems of the brain is a really good idea. Overall, great job!
