Friday, June 19, 2020

Idea Napkin No. 2

1) You. I am Brent Cromer, a senior at the University of Florida, majoring in Sports Management and from Stuart, Florida. I like to describe myself as a beach bum, adventurer, hard worker, and a friend to all. I am a very active listener and like to listen and hear what my fellow peers have to say before I put my two sense into a conversation. I am rather reserved and quiet at first, but once you get to know me, I open up and am very easy to talk to. I am the type of person is always there for someone who is need of a friend for emotional support and advice. I have a long list of skills that describe me: strong communicator, active listener, great judgement, proactive, empathetical, and ability to work diligently independently or as a team. My number one aspiration was to become a neurosurgeon. I, however, decided this is not the right path for me in the long run, so I decided I want to have a career in the world of sports. I do not know what specific career I am interested in, but I would like to work for the NFL, PGA Tour, or the Olympics. This business I have chosen may not have a direct impact on my life. Less certifications, especially in sports, can enhance the active performance of athletes and the sport leagues in terms of being qualified and less stressed. The business, however, can provide me with experience with opening up a business from scratch and seeing how successful it may be. Every bit of experience count, and it will help to make me more comfortable when I actually have to join the work force in the career I pursue.

 2) What are you offering to customers? The certifications that businesses must pass are rigor and expensive. I am offering to customers a solution that could lessen the number of certifications and the time-consuming processes. The service propose is a consulting firm that has ties with the local, state, and federal governments. The consulting firm will work with the labs directly. They will have many facets of responsibilities in tackling this issue and business opportunity. The consulting firm will alleviate any unnecessary form of regulation and certification that the clientele must adhere to in the workforce. These lab services will be able to focus more on their lab work, such as testing water pollution content, and less on the federal certifications. More time will spent on productive job duties.

 3) Who are you offering it to? The customers are the environmental laboratories that are struggling financially, as well as other businesses that requires federal certifications. These labs are ones who have connections with the different level of lawmakers. The consulting firm will work the local governments, which is another customer. A specific psychographic population would be those who work to create cleaner products to help provide a safe environment for its customers. A certain demographic population would be low to middle class customers who work for the government. All of my customers are high end spenders and live a life of luxury due to the jobs they have. 

 4) Why do they care? Customers will pay more money for my service because it will increase their profits and lessen their financial burdens. Also, the consultant will help decrease the federal certifications. By interacting with the certification authorities, they are another representative of the salesforce. They can provide great insight and outside view of the day to day operations and see further areas of improvement. These clientele will be able to keep more of their money they earned than give it back to the government for these certifications.

 5) What are your core competencies? This service will have someone who is a former laboratory owner or director, or someone who worked for the government and has successfully completed these audits. The audits will help the labs and other businesses alike remain in full cooperation with the regulations, which will be reduced. Evaluation paragraph: The business is an independent authority. The fee structure will be flexible in terms of compensation. Further flexibility can be applied to the clients, offering them a flat fee contract, or a commission-based contract. Any savings provided to the laboratories will be compensated to the business, as well. 

Overall, these elements fit well together and will produce an effective business in relation to the opportunity set forth. All of these pieces go hand-in-hand and complement one another very well. If all of these elements fit together perfectly, much success will be made. These elements define the business opportunity and lay out the purpose and the target market. It is an easy way to see the full scope of a business and their customers. 

Some of my peers were confused on the overall business approach and the relationship to the environmental labs. I tried to be as clear as possible in terms what they lab services do. Also, I added further detail in each of the elements directed towards the business opportunity. I know not everyone is knowledgeable of the environmental labs and their services, but I hope this idea napkin made things more precise and easier to understand. Even I have a hard time explaining some of my points, as well. It is definitely a topic that might be hard to grasp and get a full understanding of. I kept the majority of my idea napkin the same as the last one, but changed some parts in each paragraph. Also, I tried to be more articulative with my grammar so my work makes sense to my peers. 

Create a Custom Avatar

My Blue Robot Avatar

The prototypical customer is male and in the age range of 28-35. There are quite a few prototypical female customers, too, but a lot of my interviewees were male. They are successful environmental lab chemists, as well as businessmen. These customers are married and have 2-3 children. They normally work while their wives are at home with the kids. They enjoy using their time off to be with their families or on a tropical vacation getaway. There is a split divide between the political parties of these customers; some are Republicans, while others are Democrats. They do not watch TV much, but when they do, it is mostly news or crime dramas. Their jobs are very successful in terms of finance. Therefore, they drive really nice, expensive cars. A lot of them drive a Mercedes Benz or Range Rover, which are either black or white. All in all, they have a great job and life full of leisure outside of work.

I have a lot of things in common with my customer avatar. I want to own a Mercedes Benz, particularly a white one. My fiancé has actually put in an order for a 2021 Mercedes Benz for my 21st birthday in July. Also, I want to have 2-3 children when I do decide to have children. I, too, do not watch much TV. I am more of an outdoors person. I hope to have a job that pays extremely well and I can afford luxurious vacations. I do not think it is a coincidence that I have similar traits to these customers. I believe people with similar interests will be attracted to those who have those same interests. Everyone has their own preferences about their hobbies and lifestyles and sometimes that overlaps with what you desire, too.

Elevator Pitch No. 2

From the feedback on the first elevator pitch, I was surprised to see how well I did. I personally thought it did not go as smooth as I have wanted. I am not the most knowledgeable on the business concept I have proposed. I know enough about it in order to explain it to others. My peers, however, thought I did an amazing job on the first pitch. I believed I spoke fast and did not articulate my words clearly, but that was not the case. All of the feedback and critiques were sound and very supportive of my attempt at the elevator pitch. Everyone’s feedback was useful and insightful. I just need to keep giving the elevator pitches as my natural self and I will be successful from here on out. I took public speaking last semester, so the skills I have learned really helped me out with these assignments and alleviated any nervousness.

I did not have to change much after hearing the feedback on the first one. I practiced my pitch multiple times before giving the final one. I do this so I am comfortable and well prepared throughout the pitch. It allows to give the pitch fully without having to stop and think about what I am going to say next. I did this same method for the first pitch.

Thursday, June 18, 2020

What's Your Secret Sauce?

1) My human capital:
1) very timid and reserved at first; I open up once someone gets to know me; I am more of an introvert

2) a very independent worker; I prefer to work alone than in groups; my work is completed and finished on time without worrying about my peers’ contributions

3) adventurous and daring; explore the outdoors on a daily basis; take spontaneous trips to new locations within a decent driving distance; I like to task risks and put myself to work hard at my highest potential and strive to do better

4) photographic; I have the eye for photography and capturing beauty through lenses; I learned on my own as a young kid and use social media as a platform to show my talents

5) family-oriented; I put family before anything in my life, even friends; they are always there for me, so I want to be there as much as possible for them

2) Interviews & Summaries:

1) Angelika:

One of the traits she classified me as is an introvert. I am rather shy and reserved initially. But when you get to know me better, I tend to open up and be more of an extrovert.

2) Noelle:

Noelle mentioned quite a few things that make me different. She described me as being respectful to everyone and everything. Also, I am an active listener before I am a talker. I like to hear what my peers have to say and get a better understanding of their points of view before I join the conversation.

3) Noelle’s mom, Ms. Yackel:

Two of the traits that she mentioned throughout the entire interview about me are compassion and kindness. I treat everyone with respect and dignity. I always lend a helping to anyone is in need of friend or help with anything.

4) Danny:

In the interview, Danny mentioned I am a very caring person to everyone and everything. He also emphasized that I easily adapt to different situations and overcome the obstacles that are put in front of me.

5) Drake:

Similar to everyone else’s perspectives, Drake emphasized that I am a very caring person and I put everyone before me. I always try my best to be there for everyone when they need me the most.

3) Reflection:
            I believe that my peers and I both have similar ways of describing myself. Each of the descriptions that the interviewees gave were the exact ways I would describe myself. I see myself as kind and always willing to lend a helping hand and they did, too. They also saw me as reserved and shy, which is a common trait that most people see in me. Some of them went further in detail in describing myself as an individual and how it makes me different. However, none of them mentioned my photographic nature.  As a whole, I describe myself as others see me. Because of that, I would not make any corrections to part 1. My human capital was accurate in relation to the perspectives of the interviewees.

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Figuring Out Buyer Behavior No. 2

1-6) For this week’s round of interviews, I have chosen another set of 3 environmental lab chemists who are married and have a family. After conducting the interviews, I have gathered pertinent information about the buying behavior of my segment. Each of the people I interviewed said that price and quality mean the most in terms of service. They all agreed that the price must match the quality of service they are receiving. If not, just as everyone might say, it is not worth it. If the service is high in cost, they expect to have a high level of service that is done easily and successfully. For the most part, they agree that style is not a major concern for service. The style in which the service is done has no bearing on the outcome, just as long as it gets done and satisfies the need of the customer. Since they are working long schedules each day in the laboratories, buying online is the most convenient. They do not have time during their breaks or after work to go shopping in stores. The stores are either closed or too far of a drive from their workplace. Thus, online shopping is quick and easy and can be done in the matter of seconds that does not require any extra time for traveling. Since they primarily shop online, they tend to use card over cash to complete their purchases of products or services. Also, they even utilize their cell phones as an avenue to make purchases and schedule appointments for service. With relation to the ‘rightness’ of the purchase, the segment of people interviewed said if the service is done completely and no mess was made, then the service was a success. They use the execution of the service and the demeanor of the person who is doing the service as checkpoints. These checkpoints help them see if the service was a good or bad idea. Good idea means that their need was met and satisfied and vice versa for bad idea.

7) After conducting the interviews, I would have to say this segment is succinct in terms of their alternative evaluation, purchase decision, and post-purchase decision. They all shared similar perspectives for each of these categories. Also, they daily schedules are alike in terms of being busy, so that affects their overall purchase behavior and decision making.

Monday, June 8, 2020

Halfway Reflection

1) I have used quite a bit of different behaviors to keep up with the requirements in this course. I am extremely persistent and diligent with my work ethics to get my assignments done. I do not wait till the last minute to complete my work. Instead, I work on my assignments a week or so in advance to ensure I am successful, and the work is properly done and precise. I always try to do the best I can in a timely manner and ensure my work is completed fully and detail oriented. If I do not know how to do something, I always try to figure it out because I am determined to succeed.

 2) About two months ago, I came out as gay. It has been a battle of accepting myself ever since I was 13 and always felt like giving up. I was always hiding and pretending to be someone I am not just to avoid being loved differently or rejected by my family and friends. I soon realized I cannot change who I am to satisfy the needs and concerns of others. I wrote a letter to my family about my journey from middle school to now about my true self at the end of March this year. The thought of having to come out to my parents is nerve raking and made me feel like giving up constantly because I was afraid my fears would come true of being rejected. However, my loving and amazing fiancĂ© ensured me that everything will be alright with my family after they read this letter. So, I mustered up the courage to write to my family. Also, I posted on Instagram a ‘coming out’ post on April 28, 2020, which received a tremendous amount of support and love from my family and friends, even those friends from my childhood who I have not seen in years. I know if I did not have all of these people by my side I would have given up and let myself down as a unique person who deserves to be loved equally. I have never felt freer and happier than I do now. So much weight and stress has been lifted off on my shoulders and I can live my life as unapologetically me. I have developed so much courage and self-confidence during this journey and I could not be prouder of myself than I am now.

 3) Three tips I would offer for next semester’s students to foster the skills that support tenacity and developing ‘the tenacious mindset’ are 1) be persistent and proactive with their schoolwork and 2) have some flexibility for free time in their schedules to give their minds a stress break from school. Also, I would say that 3) they need to be open to change if their current strategies of studying are unsuccessful and seek advice from advisors.

Reading Reflection No. 1

"Steve Jobs" – Walter Isaacson

 1) After reading Steve Jobs, I was thoroughly surprised by how much of a successful man Steve Jobs actually is. I never realized the success he has created for himself. What I admire the most about Steve Jobs is his sheer dedication and charisma that he put forth in all of his businesses. Steve Jobs did encounter adversity and failure. But never once did he put his foot down and throw in the towel. He preserved through the hardships and complicating times and developed some of the most brilliant companies and products. However, I do not admire his comparison of his leadership skills to that of Jesus or Ghandi, in chapter 11, “The Reality Distortion Field.” Yes, he was a successful businessman, and his businesses still continue to be. But his level of leadership is in the opposite range of being godly. He created new innovative companies and products for human consumption, which emphasizes the hunger for material items. Ghandi and Jesus enlightened people to overcome their obstacles and push themselves to their limits to find their true inner selves. Thus, Steve Jobs calling himself enlightened is inaccurate and offensive to those who truly are.

 2) The entrepreneur, Steve Jobs, did exhibit quite a few exquisite competencies. First of all, Steve Jobs displayed great leadership skills in developing his companies. He gave each of his employees to opportunity to work as a collective whole to make new products. He saw tremendous talent and potential in his chosen team of diligent workers and pushed them to succeed at their highest level. He showed a wide array of initiative and creativity in establishing himself in the world of business and as an entrepreneur.

 3) A part in the novel that was the most confusing to me occurred in Chapters 35, “Round One”, 37, “Round Two: The Cancer Returns”, and 41, “Round Three.” Steve Jobs was diagnosed with a rare type of pancreatic cancer in 2003. However, he refused surgery for nine months at first and continued to refuse treatment. Instead, he tried special diets and alternative medicines to combat his illness. Unfortunately, he lost the battle to cancer in 2011. The one thing that confuses is why did he not get the surgery that could have potentially saved his life. He has created so much success and a name for himself that he was too stubborn to take care of his body first. His refusal not to get proper treatment demonstrates his ignorance he has for his well-being of his own body. If he had gotten the surgery as recommended by medical professional, he would still be here today and the forefront of his spectacular companies that own up to his legacy as an entrepreneur. It is quite emotional to see someone as triumphant as Steve Jobs lose their life because of their carelessness. So, all in all, this is the area of the novel that caused the most confusion for me.

 4) If I were able to ask Steve Jobs two questions they would: “Did you ever see yourself as a successful entrepreneur and create some of the largest companies, such as Apple?” and “What were aspirations as a child growing up in grade school?” I believe these two questions show Steve Jobs’ beginning and end, from childhood to adulthood. It channels where he first saw himself in his youth to where he got himself into the future and ultimately as an entrepreneur. It is important to see the growth of an individual and their aspirations throughout life and where they end up at. As for Steve Jobs, he was a high school and somehow, he turned his life around and is known as one of the most successful people in the world.

 5) I think Steve Jobs was very fond of hard work. His companies were developed on the concept of hard work and dedication. I, too, believe that hard work is necessary to be successful. Without hard work, you are selling yourself short of achieving your dreams and succeeding.

Figuring Out Buyer Behavior No. 1

1) The segment I will be discussing is environmental laboratory chemists who are married and have a family.

2) The three people I have chosen to interview are married environmental lab chemists who are currently working as this position. This segment of people has the unmet need I have identified in earlier exercises. They sometimes have a hard time providing for their families when the certifications come into question and seeing them their families, as well.

 3) Their unmet need is salient in the laboratories, since this is where the certifications under the federal government usually take place and their need awareness is heightened to the fullest potential. Their normal productive working schedule is impeded by being required to take these expensive and time-consuming certifications in order to keep their licenses. Typically, they experience this unmet need when they are asked to stop working on their laboratory duties and take these certifications. All of my interviewees found it very frustrating when the certifications take precedent over their lab responsibilities. In terms of the interviewees’ personal actions, the first thing they do to find a solution is talk to someone higher in charge and power. They each said that they try to talk to the CEO or president of the company to minimize the stress that the unmet need causes and address it directly. Thus, it intrudes on their work life, as well as their personal life outside of work.

 4) If not successful, they take it to online information searching to see if they can find a solution there. Some of the search terms they use are “federal certifications,” “stress of environmental lab chemists”, “do without license certifications” etc. They look for sources that describe in detail the effects of the federal certification exams and how they are frivolous and cost the company and employees big bucks to take. Each of the interviewees mentioned that they do talk to friends and family about their unmet need. They complain to their family, on a daily basis, about the stresses that the government imposes on them when they are required to take these certifications.

 5) I have learned that this unmet need is an issue that these chemists have to deal with constantly. The unmet need is also very frustrating when so much time and money are put into these exams. The chemists are extremely annoyed with the certifications that they are required to take. They all wish these exams did not exist in their field of work and all other fields of work. Sometimes, it is hard to balance work and family together.

6) This segment is succinct in terms of need awareness and information research. The segment is apparent in both of these parts. It is evident that the need awareness and information are representative of the unmet that this segment has. Their awareness is highly prevalent in the workforce. Also, they are active information searchers in terms of finding a solution to their unmet need to reduce the number of federal certifications.

Friday, June 5, 2020

Idea Napkin No. 1

1) You. I am Brent Cromer, a senior at the University of Florida, majoring in Sports Management and from Stuart, Florida. I like to describe myself as a beach bum, adventurer, hard worker, and a friend to all. I am a very active listener and like to listen and hear what my fellow peers have to say before I put my two sense into a conversation. I am rather reserved and quiet at first, but once you get to know me, I open up and am very easy to talk to. I am the type of person is always there for someone who is need of a friend for emotional support and advice. I have a long list of skills that describe me: strong communicator, active listener, great judgement, proactive, empathetical, and ability to work diligently independently or as a team. My number one aspiration was to become a neurosurgeon. I, however, decided this is not the right path for me in the long run, so I decided I want to have a career in the world of sports. I do not know what specific career I am interested in, but I would like to work for the NFL, PGA Tour, or the Olympics. This business I have chosen may not have a direct impact on my life. Less certifications, especially in sports, can enhance the active performance of athletes and the sport leagues in terms of being qualified and less stressed. The business, however, can provide me with experience with opening up a business from scratch and seeing how successful it may be. Every bit of experience count, and it will help to make me more comfortable when I actually have to join the work force in the career I pursue.

 2) What are you offering to customers? The certifications that businesses must pass are rigor and expensive. I am offering to customers a solution that could lessen the number of certifications and the time-consuming processes. The service propose is a consulting firm that has ties with the local, state, and federal governments. The consulting firm will work with the labs directly. They will have many facets of responsibilities in tackling this issue and business opportunity.

 3) Who are you offering it to? The customers are the environmental laboratories that are struggling financially, as well as other businesses that requires federal certifications. These labs are ones who have connections with the different level of lawmakers. The consulting firm will work the local governments, which is another customer. A specific psychographic population would be those who work to create cleaner products to help provide a safe environment for its customers. A certain demographic population would be low to middle class customers who work for the government.

 4) Why do they care? Customers will pay more money for my service because it will increase their profits and lessen their financial burdens. Also, the consultant will help decrease the federal certifications. By interacting with the certification authorities, they are another representative of the salesforce. They can provide great insight and outside view of the day to day operations and see further areas of improvement.

 5) What are your core competencies? This service will have someone who is a former laboratory owner or director, or someone who worked for the government and has successfully completed these audits. The audits will help the labs and other businesses alike remain in full cooperation with the regulations, which will be reduced. Evaluation paragraph: The business is an independent authority. The fee structure will be flexible in terms of compensation. Further flexibility can be applied to the clients, offering them a flat fee contract, or a commission-based contract. Any savings provided to the laboratories will be compensated to the business, as well. Overall, these elements fit well together and will produce an effective business in relation to the opportunity set forth.