Thursday, June 18, 2020

What's Your Secret Sauce?

1) My human capital:
1) very timid and reserved at first; I open up once someone gets to know me; I am more of an introvert

2) a very independent worker; I prefer to work alone than in groups; my work is completed and finished on time without worrying about my peers’ contributions

3) adventurous and daring; explore the outdoors on a daily basis; take spontaneous trips to new locations within a decent driving distance; I like to task risks and put myself to work hard at my highest potential and strive to do better

4) photographic; I have the eye for photography and capturing beauty through lenses; I learned on my own as a young kid and use social media as a platform to show my talents

5) family-oriented; I put family before anything in my life, even friends; they are always there for me, so I want to be there as much as possible for them

2) Interviews & Summaries:

1) Angelika:

One of the traits she classified me as is an introvert. I am rather shy and reserved initially. But when you get to know me better, I tend to open up and be more of an extrovert.

2) Noelle:

Noelle mentioned quite a few things that make me different. She described me as being respectful to everyone and everything. Also, I am an active listener before I am a talker. I like to hear what my peers have to say and get a better understanding of their points of view before I join the conversation.

3) Noelle’s mom, Ms. Yackel:

Two of the traits that she mentioned throughout the entire interview about me are compassion and kindness. I treat everyone with respect and dignity. I always lend a helping to anyone is in need of friend or help with anything.

4) Danny:

In the interview, Danny mentioned I am a very caring person to everyone and everything. He also emphasized that I easily adapt to different situations and overcome the obstacles that are put in front of me.

5) Drake:

Similar to everyone else’s perspectives, Drake emphasized that I am a very caring person and I put everyone before me. I always try my best to be there for everyone when they need me the most.

3) Reflection:
            I believe that my peers and I both have similar ways of describing myself. Each of the descriptions that the interviewees gave were the exact ways I would describe myself. I see myself as kind and always willing to lend a helping hand and they did, too. They also saw me as reserved and shy, which is a common trait that most people see in me. Some of them went further in detail in describing myself as an individual and how it makes me different. However, none of them mentioned my photographic nature.  As a whole, I describe myself as others see me. Because of that, I would not make any corrections to part 1. My human capital was accurate in relation to the perspectives of the interviewees.


  1. Hello Brent,

    I think that even though you might be shy at first, compassion is a very important aspect of your capital and think that you should use it to your advantage. I too share the ability to feel for others and put myself in others shoes and have found it very useful in my life. I think that your interviewees viewed your personality spot on and I believe that also shows that you have a good perception of yourself which I believe is another very important characteristic. Great work!

  2. It is a really cool moment when you're friends and family agree with your own interpretation of yourself. I am also adventurous, so I know what you mean when you say you enjoy exploring outside. I love just watching ant piles, that is a hobby of mine. I also enjoy working alone, because I would say I am an introvert until I get to know somebody. Sports taught me to become more of an extrovert and team player though. It seems like you have some awesome and supportive friends and family though.

  3. Hey Brent,
    I think it is awesome that you and your friends and family agreed with what your best traits were. It is very nice to be self aware and know both your strengths and weaknesses. I also genuinely believe that all of the traits you possess work hand in hand together which will work well for you in the future. Best of luck!

  4. Hi Brent,

    One thing I knew going into this assignment is my answers from those I interview would think of me similar to how I thought of myself. Like you, I also ‘rely’ on how others feel about me to gauge my own opinion of myself. The good to that is we are empathetic and aim to please others, the downside is we make other people responsible for how we see and value ourselves.
    One tip I’d share regarding being timid at first prior to opening up is to know your value and worth going into new relationships and conversations. People are drawn to individuals who think well of themselves. Start with that, one day at a time and you’ll see how much more people are open to you before you make the conclusion for them.
    Good read, thanks for sharing!

  5. Hello Brent,
    I have to say were are very similar in our human capitals. Like you I am also very shy and reserved at first even though I am pretty sure I am an extrovert. I am also an independent worker and wish to shoulder 100% of the responsibility of an assignment. I also liked all of the interviews you completed as they seemed very sincere and nice. Great work on this assignment!
