Friday, June 19, 2020

Elevator Pitch No. 2

From the feedback on the first elevator pitch, I was surprised to see how well I did. I personally thought it did not go as smooth as I have wanted. I am not the most knowledgeable on the business concept I have proposed. I know enough about it in order to explain it to others. My peers, however, thought I did an amazing job on the first pitch. I believed I spoke fast and did not articulate my words clearly, but that was not the case. All of the feedback and critiques were sound and very supportive of my attempt at the elevator pitch. Everyone’s feedback was useful and insightful. I just need to keep giving the elevator pitches as my natural self and I will be successful from here on out. I took public speaking last semester, so the skills I have learned really helped me out with these assignments and alleviated any nervousness.

I did not have to change much after hearing the feedback on the first one. I practiced my pitch multiple times before giving the final one. I do this so I am comfortable and well prepared throughout the pitch. It allows to give the pitch fully without having to stop and think about what I am going to say next. I did this same method for the first pitch.


  1. Hi Brent,
    Good job on not having to read from the pitch and being able to deliver without prompts.
    Unfortunately, I have to say that I have no clue what your business or pitch was about. I watched it twice to make sure I didn’t miss that part but I think you may want to start you pitch off next time with what the business solves or a quick intro as to the business itself. I know that’s the point of this assignment, but I don’t notice where I would have learned anything about what this business does, where or who it serves.
    Build off this and work on formatting of your content. Remember that the person you are pitching to is starting with 0 info on what you are talking about. The purpose of this assignment is to teach them what problem you have, who it helps/solves and close with an ask (meeting, investment, feedback).
    Hope this helps!

  2. Hey Brent,
    I understood what you were trying to get across, but that may be only because I've been following along with your previous assignments. I agree with Edwin's comment in that you should maybe go into a little more detail on what you offer. I also feel if you had just done one more take, you would have gotten a good, smooth presentation. I'm not one to talk, I got frustrated with myself after the 3rd take and just decided to submit, but I guess that means I'm speaking from experience.
    On the plus side, I think you had a great intro, and you were confident in your delivery throughout. You have the speaking part down very well, just refine and add a little to the writing side is all.
    Nice work overall!

  3. Hey Brent,

    I think you really handled all of the constructive criticism well, and you changed anything you might have done out of inexperience the first time around. I think the first one you might have talked a little too fast, but the second time you slowed down and found your perfect speed. I also think you definitely knew enough to explain your vision to someone else. I don't know much on that topic and area, but I understood a lot better after listening to you.

  4. Hello Brent,
    I think that you did a really good job on both elevator pitches. I watched your first one and, to be honest, didn't really see many things to change about it. However, I did notice that your second pitch provided yet more confidence and seemed to be more natural. I think that, compared to your peers, you have a good amount of knowledge when it comes to your project idea and I think that it's allow to make it a success. Great work keep it up!

  5. Hello Brent,
    Again, great job on the improved elevator pitch. I could definitely tell how more relaxed you were this time around throughout the whole speech. For the next time around in our 3rd attempt at this pitch I would recommend that you get more into the nitty gritty of your idea while staying at a big picture level. Keep up the good effort!
