Monday, June 8, 2020

Halfway Reflection

1) I have used quite a bit of different behaviors to keep up with the requirements in this course. I am extremely persistent and diligent with my work ethics to get my assignments done. I do not wait till the last minute to complete my work. Instead, I work on my assignments a week or so in advance to ensure I am successful, and the work is properly done and precise. I always try to do the best I can in a timely manner and ensure my work is completed fully and detail oriented. If I do not know how to do something, I always try to figure it out because I am determined to succeed.

 2) About two months ago, I came out as gay. It has been a battle of accepting myself ever since I was 13 and always felt like giving up. I was always hiding and pretending to be someone I am not just to avoid being loved differently or rejected by my family and friends. I soon realized I cannot change who I am to satisfy the needs and concerns of others. I wrote a letter to my family about my journey from middle school to now about my true self at the end of March this year. The thought of having to come out to my parents is nerve raking and made me feel like giving up constantly because I was afraid my fears would come true of being rejected. However, my loving and amazing fiancĂ© ensured me that everything will be alright with my family after they read this letter. So, I mustered up the courage to write to my family. Also, I posted on Instagram a ‘coming out’ post on April 28, 2020, which received a tremendous amount of support and love from my family and friends, even those friends from my childhood who I have not seen in years. I know if I did not have all of these people by my side I would have given up and let myself down as a unique person who deserves to be loved equally. I have never felt freer and happier than I do now. So much weight and stress has been lifted off on my shoulders and I can live my life as unapologetically me. I have developed so much courage and self-confidence during this journey and I could not be prouder of myself than I am now.

 3) Three tips I would offer for next semester’s students to foster the skills that support tenacity and developing ‘the tenacious mindset’ are 1) be persistent and proactive with their schoolwork and 2) have some flexibility for free time in their schedules to give their minds a stress break from school. Also, I would say that 3) they need to be open to change if their current strategies of studying are unsuccessful and seek advice from advisors.


  1. Hey Brent,
    I wish I could say the same about my work ethic, sometimes it's just too tempting to procrastinate. In terms of your second portion that you wrote, congratulations! I think it is so amazing that you have accepted yourself for who you are and I wish you and your fiancé the absolute best. I admire your courage and I can't imagine how that must have been difficult for you to do. This is definitely my favorite post in this class so far. Congrats and great job!

  2. Hello Brent,

    I 100% agree that it is hard to succeed when procrastinating and happy to see that you have figured out a way to be productive. When I first began with the course I admit I would procrastinate on a grand scale and that led me to missing assigned dates and assignments all together. I think being proactive is one of the most important aspects of the course and the most significant advice I would give to a student taking the course for the first time.

  3. I am proud of you Brent. You definitely have courage and I can tell you are really persistent and hard working as well, considering you have worked so far ahead. I wish the best for you and I also hope a lot of people find the same courage you did to be their true selves. It seems as though you have gone through a lot in this class, and I hope you find some amazing ideas to pursue. I think college taught me a lot about courage as well. It also taught me how to stand up for myself, because sometimes kindness gets taken advantage of. All in all, awesome post and I am happy for you.

  4. Hey Brent,
    It is fantastic to hear your story about coming out! I am happy that you have found support from all of your friends and family. I agree with all of the tips that you gave and will also take them into consideration for myself. I heavily relate to the comments about procrastinating, but it is something we have to work past. Best of luck!

  5. Hello Brent,
    Thank you so much for sharing and have to say I am very proud of you. I wish I had your courage, tenacity and your productiveness when it comes to completing assignments. I also found your three tips very important and useful for whoever wishes to encounter this class next year! Especially the tenacity mindset which will not only help students get through this class but will make them a better person.
