Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Elevator Pitch No.1


  1. Hi Brent,
    Nice work on the pitch. You seemed to have it really well memorized, which was what I had trouble with most. One thing I would suggest is maybe going into a little more detail as to how you would go about offering this service: whether you'd act as almost a private inspector to check up on these facilities and check off whether they meet regulations, or whether you'd be petitioning the government to lower regulations.

  2. Hello Brent, I think you did a really good job with your 90 second elevator pitch. I think, for a first draft, you showed great signs of confidence and I was really impressed that you had a big part of it memorized. I think you are on a path to success, keep it up!!

  3. Hey Brent,
    Awesome job on your first elevator pitch. I thought you were able to successfully grab my attention when pitching me your idea and opportunity which is the key ingredient on any successful business pitch. I found your overall information was more than enough to hook and reel somebody as well as easily get the main points across. Again great work!
