Friday, June 19, 2020

Idea Napkin No. 2

1) You. I am Brent Cromer, a senior at the University of Florida, majoring in Sports Management and from Stuart, Florida. I like to describe myself as a beach bum, adventurer, hard worker, and a friend to all. I am a very active listener and like to listen and hear what my fellow peers have to say before I put my two sense into a conversation. I am rather reserved and quiet at first, but once you get to know me, I open up and am very easy to talk to. I am the type of person is always there for someone who is need of a friend for emotional support and advice. I have a long list of skills that describe me: strong communicator, active listener, great judgement, proactive, empathetical, and ability to work diligently independently or as a team. My number one aspiration was to become a neurosurgeon. I, however, decided this is not the right path for me in the long run, so I decided I want to have a career in the world of sports. I do not know what specific career I am interested in, but I would like to work for the NFL, PGA Tour, or the Olympics. This business I have chosen may not have a direct impact on my life. Less certifications, especially in sports, can enhance the active performance of athletes and the sport leagues in terms of being qualified and less stressed. The business, however, can provide me with experience with opening up a business from scratch and seeing how successful it may be. Every bit of experience count, and it will help to make me more comfortable when I actually have to join the work force in the career I pursue.

 2) What are you offering to customers? The certifications that businesses must pass are rigor and expensive. I am offering to customers a solution that could lessen the number of certifications and the time-consuming processes. The service propose is a consulting firm that has ties with the local, state, and federal governments. The consulting firm will work with the labs directly. They will have many facets of responsibilities in tackling this issue and business opportunity. The consulting firm will alleviate any unnecessary form of regulation and certification that the clientele must adhere to in the workforce. These lab services will be able to focus more on their lab work, such as testing water pollution content, and less on the federal certifications. More time will spent on productive job duties.

 3) Who are you offering it to? The customers are the environmental laboratories that are struggling financially, as well as other businesses that requires federal certifications. These labs are ones who have connections with the different level of lawmakers. The consulting firm will work the local governments, which is another customer. A specific psychographic population would be those who work to create cleaner products to help provide a safe environment for its customers. A certain demographic population would be low to middle class customers who work for the government. All of my customers are high end spenders and live a life of luxury due to the jobs they have. 

 4) Why do they care? Customers will pay more money for my service because it will increase their profits and lessen their financial burdens. Also, the consultant will help decrease the federal certifications. By interacting with the certification authorities, they are another representative of the salesforce. They can provide great insight and outside view of the day to day operations and see further areas of improvement. These clientele will be able to keep more of their money they earned than give it back to the government for these certifications.

 5) What are your core competencies? This service will have someone who is a former laboratory owner or director, or someone who worked for the government and has successfully completed these audits. The audits will help the labs and other businesses alike remain in full cooperation with the regulations, which will be reduced. Evaluation paragraph: The business is an independent authority. The fee structure will be flexible in terms of compensation. Further flexibility can be applied to the clients, offering them a flat fee contract, or a commission-based contract. Any savings provided to the laboratories will be compensated to the business, as well. 

Overall, these elements fit well together and will produce an effective business in relation to the opportunity set forth. All of these pieces go hand-in-hand and complement one another very well. If all of these elements fit together perfectly, much success will be made. These elements define the business opportunity and lay out the purpose and the target market. It is an easy way to see the full scope of a business and their customers. 

Some of my peers were confused on the overall business approach and the relationship to the environmental labs. I tried to be as clear as possible in terms what they lab services do. Also, I added further detail in each of the elements directed towards the business opportunity. I know not everyone is knowledgeable of the environmental labs and their services, but I hope this idea napkin made things more precise and easier to understand. Even I have a hard time explaining some of my points, as well. It is definitely a topic that might be hard to grasp and get a full understanding of. I kept the majority of my idea napkin the same as the last one, but changed some parts in each paragraph. Also, I tried to be more articulative with my grammar so my work makes sense to my peers. 


  1. Hey Brent,

    You really put a lot into this, which is good. I definitely better understand who you are as a person. I remember listening to your interviews and I thought it was really cool how your friends were saying the same things you were saying about yourself. That not only shows you know yourself well, but you also have great friends who know you well too. Your idea is genius and I think it is a niche that needs to be covered. I think the biggest thing is just located exactly what your competitive advantage is.

  2. Hello Brent,
    I can see that you've really improved the extent and analysis of yourself and the opportunity from the Idea Napkin No.1. Specifically I liked how you have really narrowed down your customer base which I think is very important for any business prospect. All in all i think you were very able to improve on the explanation of your idea to regular people since I can now understand the idea much better. Great work!!

  3. Hello Brent,
    I really enjoyed reading about your second idea napkin. I think that I might have been one of the people that was a little confused at first about your whole idea concept but I think this idea napkin clarified a lot of things for me. I also think that your elements go really well with one another in a way that promotes complimentary organization and I think that you are on the right path! Keep it up bro.
